Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer time and the living is, well fun!

Hot weather is great! Everything smells, there is something to roll in everywhere! And there is so much hunting to do. I have to patrol the cabin grounds and that includes the lake. My work is never done. From early in the morning when the birds start singing and tweeting while the ducks quack and splash, to the muskrat swimming under the dock, chipmunks and squirrels. Then I have to dodge the giant, hairy mosquitos, huge horseflies and deer flies too! There are other big bugs with great big eyes, long bodies and two sets of wings. They eat the other ones. My people have taken up a curious thing, they get in the lake and throw things to each other. Togo loves to swim out and grab the ball. They also throw perfectly good food out to the enemies, the ducks! Work with me here guys! Then they got me to jump in off the dock, the water isn't co cold any more. I thought I smelled great, I found a slimy fish on the beach and I thought my people would want to know about it. Next thing I know they are pouring shampoo on me washing it all off. I went to a lot of work to smell that way, they just don't appreciate the right things in life. They also put me in a little thing called a rowboat and I could look into the water and see fish! Yikes, no wonder I need to power lounge on the dock and bask in the hot sun! I can see far, far away, sitting on the dock feels like doggie heaven now!

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