Monday, April 27, 2009

Pixel's Rescue

Pixel was a stray, found in northern Minnesota during October 2008. Winter was setting in and the tiny Chihuahua-border terrier mix was lost, hungry and scared. She was picked up, taken to a shelter and sent to All Dog Rescue MN. Pixel was not her first name, it is the name she was given by her rescuers. Pixel was shipped to the Twin Cities, spayed and treated for Lyme's Disease and taken home by her foster mom, Pam.

I am Pam's neighbor and was in the back yard with my 2 other rescue doggies, Togo the labradoodle, and Quincy the beagle on a chilly afternoon right before Thanksgiving. I noticed this small, skinny dog sitting on Pam's deck shivering and afraid. Her color made it hard to see her, she blended in with the deck and wall of the house. It was love at first sight! I immediately started asking questions about the tiny, scared dog and learned her name was Pixel.

One day later my sister sent me an e-card. It was one of those interactive kinds, it showed a house in the woods with the sun setting through the trees, the wind was blowing and leaves were falling. Alittle dog in the foreground shivered and looked lost. As the card unfolded, the little dog went to the window and could see a family sitting down to a Thanksgiving spread. The little dog went to the door and it opened. A big fluffy pillow was placed in front of the warm glowing fireplace, the little doggie lay down with a smile and was given a bone. That did it! It was a sign that the little doggie Pixel, next door was to be mine. She was my early Christmas gift and her "big" brothers took to her right away, especially Quincy the Beagle. They played and wrestled until they were exhausted and then they curled up together and are inseparable now!

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